Website Data Location:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests as req
from scipy import stats
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
This function scrapes the webpage where the data is hosted and parses it out into a pandas dataframe
def scrapeWebpage(dataSoup):
# Find the table that holds the data on the webpage
dataTable = dataSoup.find("table", {'class': 'js-csv-data csv-data js-file-line-container'})
# Find all the table rows of the data table
dataTr = dataTable.findAll('tbody')[0].findAll('tr')[1:]
# Parse all table rows into data rows for the dataframe
dataRows = [[td.get_text().strip().replace('*', '') for td in tr.findAll('td')] for tr in dataTr]
# Create dataframe from the parsed data on the webage
airData = pd.DataFrame(dataRows, columns=dataRows[0]).drop(index=[0, 1]).reset_index(drop=True).drop(columns=[''])
return airData
This function reformats the date column into a valid date format (month/year)
def reformatDate(airData):
for i in range(len(airData['Measurement_Date'])):
# Split the date into two parts for reformatting
dateParts = airData['Measurement_Date'][i].replace('.', '').split(' ')
# Reformat dateinto valid format and insert back into dataframe
airData['Measurement_Date'][i] = str(int(dateParts[1])) + '/' + dateParts[0]
return airData
This function reshapes the dataframe parsed from the webage to match the format of the CSV data from part 1 of this project
def reshapeDf(airData):
tempDfList = []
# This loop creates a list of temporary dataframes that each hold the data for each district of Seoul
for col in airData.keys().drop('Measurement_Date'):
newDf = pd.DataFrame(airData[['Measurement_Date', col]]).rename(columns={col: 'PM2.5'})
newDf.insert(1, column='District', value=[col] * len(airData))
# Empty dataframe is created with new column names
tempDf = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Measurement_Date', 'District', 'PM2.5'])
# Loops through the temp dataframe list and appends them all into one dataframe
airData = tempDf.append([df for df in tempDfList])
# Populate and insert the Country and City columns into the dataframe
airData.insert(1, column='Country', value=['Republic of Korea'] * len(airData))
airData.insert(2, column='City', value=['Seoul'] * len(airData))
return airData
This function applies a filter to the reformatted data to remove any outliers that might skew the data. The filter checks to make sure that the data in the data column(s) (PM2.5) is within -3 and +3 standard deviations away from the mean for that column.
def filterData(data):
# The column(s) that hold numeric data
dataCols = ['PM2.5']
# This applies a filter to all the data columns of the dataframe:
# * For each column, it first computes the Z-score of each value
# in the column relative to the column mean and standard deviation.
# * If the score is not within -3 and +3 standard deviations away from the mean for that
# column, then the record is filtered out of the dataframe (thus removing the outliers)
filteredData = data[(np.abs(stats.zscore(data[dataCols])) < 3).all(axis=1)]
# This filter removes any data that is less than zero because
# the measurement of pollutants in the air cannot go below zero
filteredData = filteredData[(filteredData[dataCols] >= 0).all(axis=1)]
print('Total number of rows BEFORE data is removed: {:,}\n Total number of rows AFTER data is removed: {:,}\n'
'====================================================\n\t Total number of rows removed: {:>3,}'
.format(len(data.index), len(filteredData.index), len(data.index) - len(filteredData.index)))
return filteredData
This function calculates the AQI (Air Quality Index) value, typically calculated from PM2.5 and determines its risk level. The AQI formula, value ranges and risk levels were all taken from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) of the USA.
def calculate_AQI(airData):
airData = airData.reset_index()
aqiValues = []
riskLevel = []
for i in range(len(airData)):
i_low = 0
i_high = 0
c_low = 0
c_high = 0
# PM2.5 AQI Value Calculation
if 0 <= airData['PM2.5'][i] <= 12:
c_low = 0
c_high = 12
i_low = 0
i_high = 50
elif 12.1 <= airData['PM2.5'][i] <= 35.4:
c_low = 12.1
c_high = 35.4
i_low = 51
i_high = 100
elif 35.5 <= airData['PM2.5'][i] <= 55.4:
c_low = 35.5
c_high = 55.4
i_low = 101
i_high = 150
elif 55.5 <= airData['PM2.5'][i] <= 150.4:
c_low = 55.5
c_high = 150.4
i_low = 151
i_high = 200
elif 150.5 <= airData['PM2.5'][i] <= 250.4:
c_low = 150.5
c_high = 250.4
i_low = 201
i_high = 300
elif 250.5 <= airData['PM2.5'][i] <= 350.4:
c_low = 250.5
c_high = 350.4
i_low = 301
i_high = 400
elif 350.5 <= airData['PM2.5'][i] <= 500.4:
c_low = 350.5
c_high = 500.4
i_low = 401
i_high = 500
# AQI Formula
aqiValues += [int(round(((i_high - i_low) / (c_high - c_low)) *
(airData['PM2.5'][i] - c_low) + i_low, 0))]
# Determine AQI Risk Level
if 0 <= aqiValues[i] <= 50:
riskLevel += ['Good']
elif 51 <= aqiValues[i] <= 100:
riskLevel += ['Moderate']
elif 101 <= aqiValues[i] <= 150:
riskLevel += ['Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups']
elif 151 <= aqiValues[i] <= 200:
riskLevel += ['Unhealthy']
elif 201 <= aqiValues[i] <= 300:
riskLevel += ['Very Unhealthy']
elif 301 <= aqiValues[i] <= 500:
riskLevel += ['Hazardous']
# Add the AQI values to the data frame
airData['AQI_(PM2.5)'] = aqiValues
airData['AQI_Risk_Level'] = riskLevel
# Remove index column that was added after the dataframe was reindexed
airData.drop(['index'], axis=1, inplace=True)
return airData
dataSoup = bs(req.get(''
'Air Pollution Analysis and Data Scraping of Seoul (Districts), South Korea/Air_Data/'
'Air_Pollution_by_Measurement_Network_PM2.5-(Website_Data).csv').content, features="lxml")
airData = scrapeWebpage(dataSoup).rename(columns={'Period': 'Measurement_Date'})
print('Initial size of data: {:,} columns and {:,} rows'.format(airData.shape[1], airData.shape[0]))
airData = reformatDate(airData)
airData = reshapeDf(airData)
print('Size of data after reformatting: {:,} columns and {:,} rows'.format(airData.shape[1], airData.shape[0]))
airData = airData[airData['PM2.5'] != '-']
airData['PM2.5'] = pd.to_numeric(airData['PM2.5'])
filteredData = filterData(airData)
airData = calculate_AQI(filteredData)
# Two new columns added: AQI_(PM2.5) and AQI_Risk_Level
print('New columns: ' + ', '.join(list(airData.keys())))
print('Final size of data: {:,} columns and {:,} rows'.format(airData.shape[1], airData.shape[0]))
airData.to_csv('Reformed_Data/Website-Air_Pollution_Data-(Reformed_and_AQI_Values).csv', index=False)